Monday, January 3, 2011

SCII quick build order

For most of you, this will be a pretty boring post, so I apologize in advance.

But for those of you who have interest in Starcraft 2, I played some SC2 with friends tonight, and thought I'd share a bit of my experience with you.

Quick build for sc2 success

-build workers's until you have 9 supply.
-use a worker to build a depot/prism/(larvae)overlord
*after that building is started, don't stop building workers until you have 2 on each mineral AND 3 on each vespane mine*
-you can save up a little each time you need more supply, as well as to build your tier 1 military building (barracks/gateway/pool)
-after your rax/gate is up, then you can build a few tier 1 units (spend b/w 300 - 500 b/w either marines and marauders or zealots and stalkers or lings)
-- this is to protect against bum rush, its very possible that they may throw a lot at you very fast, you need to be ready with at least *some* units --
*if by this time you don't have your economy maxed, don't build anything else until it is*

once your economy is maxed, you can then decide whether you want to focus on air or ground, mass or tech, expand or rush (each of these choices will effect what you do from here)

If you have questions or comments, let me know.