Saturday, May 17, 2008

Squirrels close to home

Rexburg is full of squirrels. Well, at least our backyard is. Our deck has a little squirrel feeder on the railing that we put peanuts in. As the weather has gotten warmer, they have been chowing down out there! Unfortunately, the only evidence we have had of this is the broken peanut shells we find all over the ground and the fact we have to keep filling it up every few days. Early this morning I went out and saw that half the feeder was empty. As Alex and I were eating french toast later this morning, I noticed that there was a squirrel out on the railing eating a peanut. Alex grabbed the camera, and we got some cute pictures of the squirrel eating his breakfast next to us. He kept chowing down the peanuts for a good 15 minutes, one peanut after another. After the squirrel decided it was finally finished eating, well there was just a few peanuts left in the feeder!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's really cute! How fun! I bet that squirrel LOVES you guys!