Saturday, July 26, 2008

Our Facebook Dilemma

So, for those of you who don't know, apparently Facebook got a new overhaul on something this past week. So after one day of it not working, we thought it was a problem on facebooks side. Oh no, after almost a week of not having our usual connection to the outside world, we've decided that it is something our internet is having a problem with. Today we just barely discovered a way to view our facebook, but with only limited interaction through a "proxy server." Anyway, we've been hoping to get the problem fully fixed soon.

Oh.... and I think I've decided to start growing a beard during my 7 week break.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

a little update

So, as expected, this whole "Summer of fitness" idea has been trickier than I'd imagined. But b/w finals week and getting thoroughly derailed from routine with my cousins funeral, I still think i've done pretty well. Without giving nitty gritty details, I will tell you one thing. Before this last weekend, I dropped 10 lbs. I'm pretty impressed with myself, but its a drop in the bucket in comparison to what I want to accomplish.

Monday, July 14, 2008

In loving Memory of James Bodell

I'd like to take this moment to remember one of my life-long closest friends. My cousin, James Bodell, passed away this afternoon. He was my closest cousin in age, and from day one of his life it was known that he would lead a life of difficult circumstances health-wise. Throughout our lives together, James' spirit was always one of wit, intelligence, and friendliness. Though the 2nd half of our lives was spent in different states, I was always very grateful for the time I was able to spend with him. I decided not to go on a senior trip after graduation, so that I could instead travel with my other cousin Caleb to go see James and his family. That trip will always be one of my cherished memories.

As I write this, I can feel James' loving spirit around me. He has parted from us lesser mortals, and gone into the great beyond into the loving arms of his Savior and Heavenly Father. It is my continual silent prayer that the loving spirit of Lord will also dwell with his family whom he leaves behind.

James, I love you, and God be with you till we meet again!

And you thought YOUR beach was crowded...

My sister Nikki sent this to me, thought I'd share it with you all...

When you need to relax and just get away from it all..... may I suggest 'A Day at the beach' in . .. . . . .. . CHINA???


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Our 4th of July Mega-Vacation

We had quite the time down in Utah. It all started with a weeks worth of extra studying in order for us to really appreciate our time in Utah. It was painful, but we got it done. Upon our arrival we spent the evening with Cindy's parents and she was able to spend some time with her Kitties that she has been talking about pretty much since the day we left town.

Friday we slept in and then went to the Zoo with a couple of our Nieces and a Nephew. It was really fun, but Hogle Zoo has changed a lot since I was there. They apparently completely took out the Hippo house and the large cat house. The Hippo exhibit was replaced with a big Carousel. Ya, cause when I think Zoo, I think Merry-Go-Round. Anyway, the cat house was replaced with a large asian animal exhibit.

After the Zoo, we went back to the my parents house for the Party/BBQ. Cindy's parents came along as well, so it was nice to spend time with both sides of the family. At night we walked to Sugar House Park to watch the show. We went to the Highland High Soccer Field which was right next to where they launched the rockets from, so we had a great view! So great, that the debris from the fireworks fell on us throughout the show. Kinda scary actually, there was even a little girl who got nailed by a falling firework that was still on FIRE! She was ok, but I wouldn't blame her for being kinda freaked out.

Saturday, we went to the Pool with my sisters and their kids. It was so much fun to be able to spend time with my nieces and nephews. We had a blast. That night we went to Provo to go to Dinner, Ice Cream, and bowling with my cousins.

It was so nice to spend time with many of those whom we don't get to see as often anymore. It was a very nice weekend.