Since Cindy already told you all about our adventures in moving, I'll pick up the next part of our story and tell you about some of our trip to Kentucky.
We flew out on April 12, with a layover in the Minneapolis/St. Paul airport. This may seem lame for me to say so, but that was a pretty cool frickin airport. If you're making flight arrangements, and have the opportunity to have a layover there, I'd recommend it. It's big, but not as overwhelmingly large as some other airports out there, like Houston.
It was great to be able to spend time with Jeff, Cheryl and the kids. Personally, I feel like I was able to get to know my wife's side of the family SO much better by spending just that one week with them. They are a great family and I'm excited to be part of it.
Monday morning we woke up and went to Jeff's Office, where Cindy worked for about 6 months. It was neat to be able to see all of the places she spent her time during the time we were dating. We then hit the road for our 8 hour (or so we thought, let's just say it ended up being about 9 on the way there and more on the way back) drive to Nauvoo, IL. Now that's almost the same drive from Rexburg to Las Vegas, and this was just an overnight trip! But considering I've never been there before, and we had no idea when we would have another opportunity, we just decided to give it a whirl.

It was great! I would definitely recommend the trip to anyone who is interested in a little Church History. They had restored a lot of the original buildings and had furniture and items in them dated from the original Nauvoo Era. We also went to Carthage for the tour there. It was very powerful, and spiritual. It was all around a wonderful trip!