Monday, February 4, 2008

New Pictures are up

So with the help of the nice people at, I've been able to create a slideshow album of our wedding pictures. I was just gonna post each of them individually with a nice little caption. But I'm too busy to do that, so instead I just did it this way, and if any of you have something nice to say about the pictueres, please comment here. If you have something not so nice to say, then you're just a meanie.


Craig said...

Did you know that rats can't throw up?

Anonymous said...

the slideshow failed. then again it might be my computer x_X

Courtney said...

Don't worry cousin the slideshow worked on my computer! And the pictures are so great!

Laura said...

The pictures look great Alex! Can you email me? I've lost your current email, and I want to invite you to my blog...
love ya!