Well, today is our 3 month anniversary. So I find it appropriate to continue telling the story of our courtship. We left off at Red Robin, our first time alone together away from the movie theater. It was a nice night. I paid for her meal even though she insisted she wasn't hungry. It being a Monday the restaurant was pretty dead so we were pretty much the only people there for 2 1/2 hours. When we said goodbye, I really thought it would be the last time I'd ever see her, it was a pretty sad thought.
So I go off to tropical paradise during her last week in Utah. My original suspicion was right, as I was unable to see her before she went to Kentucky. We texted back and forth a couple times while I was in Hawaii and as she remembers it, we even talked an hour or two on the phone while I was there. When she left for Kentucky, I had accepted the fact that nothing would probably ever happen between us, but for the time being I had made a new friend with whom I found I could talk to about just about anything. And talk we did. Quite a bit actually. I guess her phone bill for the first 2 months in Kentucky were actually $40 - $50 higher than normal, so she had to get her plan extended to cover all the
We talked about all sorts of stuff. Family, work, school, movies, and I would talk about girls I'd been seeing. She didn't talk about guys at all, cause there virtually were none for her back there. Now I had actually been actively dating quite a number of girls, none of which were working out the way I'd hoped. I even got to the point where I had 4 dates cancel on me, in a 3 day period. This frustrated me to the point where I came to the decision to swear off dating and girls altogether for a full month. I wouldn't think about them, I wouldn't ask for numbers, I wouldn't call numbers I had for dates. And when some of these girls asked me to go out, I had to tell them no. This was my "Dating Fast".

Now of course I told Cindy all about this while it was going on. But because I had no expectation of anything happening with her, I saw no reason to cut off communication with her. And so things went on. And as the month came to a close, I realized that I should probably consider who to take on a date at some point once the fast was over. I talked to Cindy about that too. I remember one day, the fast had just recently come to a close, and I was talking to Cindy about how I was questioning whether or not I should call a certain girl for a date. About an hour or two later, Cindy calls me up during class, I can't answer it, so I call her back after class is over. She tells me, "It made me uncomfortable when you were talking to me about asking that other girl on a date..."
Well great, now this friend that I had become very comfortable talking to about anything, was telling me that there was now something I shouldn't talk to her about. So I said, "OK, then I just won't tell you about the girls I'm seeing I guess."

"No, I want you to feel like you can talk to me about anything"
"But you don't want me to talk about seeing other girls"
"So....... you're telling me you don't want me to see other girls?"
"Ya, I guess I am."
WoW! This was definately something I didn't see coming. Long story short, we both feel really good about it. I thought to myself, I've had such a great time on my dating fast, why not just continue it another couple months.
So I guess I'll have to end things here for now. And just so you know, the pictures that were posted throughout this blog were the ones that we sent to eachother while she was in Kentucky.