Due to circumstances happening within the close people in my life, I've found myself reflecting on the most important aspects of our time here on earth. So I'd like to take this opportunity to recognize many of the big players in my life, and the impact they've had on me.
First I'd like to recognize my parents. After all, as my mother has said, she "Endured many painstaking hours to bring me into the world" so they really deserve my thanks. I've had a few conversations with my parents over the past couple months regarding life and the choices we make. My Dad said something along the lines of, "You do realize, your ability to choose good has very little to
do with the way your mother and I raised you right?" When I asked him to expound he told me about how he and my Mom have looked at each of their children and seen how different each of them have come into the world. He told me we each have very different characteristics and talents. And that he cannot claim responsibility for the good people we have each become. He says that it has been a blessing in his life to see each of his children choose the proverbial 'good over evil' and that its not due to our upbringing, but do to the nature of our spirits. While he may be right, I still know that there isn't much point to having a good nature if you aren't taught how to use it. So I'd like to thank my parents for helping me learn for myself time and time again how to guide my own life in the way that I should.
I'd also like to thank my family. My brothers and sisters, as well as members of my extended family. Without naming names, I'd just like everyone to know that almost every lesson I've really learned in life, I've learned it by example from my family. Life isn't always going to be full of sunshine and chocolate bunnies... sometimes when you're down, and thinking you can't get up, what it takes to get you up is someone kicking dust in your eye to get you to jump to your feet... sometimes when your leg is broken, its ok to ask other people to do things for you, and even after you've healed, its still ok... if you see someone having a hard time, there are things you can say other than, "Hey are you OK", sometimes they just need a "Hey, lets get outta here and forget life for a while...
I wouldn't be the person I am today without the experiences I learned on my mission. Soon we'll be moving to Idaho for school, when that time comes, I'll be forced to go through some old mission stuff and find my old missionary journal as well as my final report. I'd like to think that when that time c
omes i'll be able to include a couple excerpts from it for this blog. But off the top of my head, I'd just like to hit a few key notes. President Allen is one of the greatest men I've ever known. He was the one who cleared up some questions I've had about life, specifically, sometimes, when you think you understand whats going on, and you know whats right is right, and whats wrong is wrong, you could still be an idiot sitting on your head. I met many amazing people on my mission. Teresa, where ever she is, is probably one of the strongest willed people I know, and loves her Heavenly Father. John Hansen taught me that it isn't what I want that matters, its what the Lord wants. He wasn't a perfect person, or a perfect missionary, but he never claimed to be. He just knew that I needed to find out what was important on the mission, and helped show me the way. Jon Hoagland, the proof to me that the Lord provides a way for any task in life. He's got a strong heart, a strong mind, and a wonderful family. The Himmer Family is probably one of the most selfless households I've ever felt a part of. Curtis Stevens taught me all I'll ever need to know about being a role model, and I thank him for the humbling opportunities he brought to me.... this section is actually getting a little long, so I'll cut it off here for now, but there will be more to come.
Last, but certainly not least, is my beautiful Bride. Cindy Olsen Kenney. I remember the first day that I met her, someone told me that I shouldn't even try to catch her attention cause she was already taken and I'd never stand a chance. So I didn't, and yet somehow I find myself next to her still at night. Someone may need to explain that to me someday, but no
rush, I'm perfectly happy not knowing right now. She has brought new life into me. Everything in my life has led up to me meeting and marrying her. I feel like I don't really know what to do next. But she's there to hold my hand as we take the next few, and eventually next many, steps in life together. I love her with all my heart and thank my Heavenly Father each day for sending her into my life.
Thats quite enough rambling for now. I'll try to pick up this soapbox another time, hopefully soon.
This is really neat, Al. You are a great writer and very thoughtful. I know your family is very proud of you. :) I love ya, Cuz.
That was really inspiring Alex, thank you for sharing your thoughts. I love you.
I approve this post.
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