Monday, April 21, 2008

Down time

So I've now officially had my first class at BYU-I (Accounting; I'm reminded why this is my 3rd time taking it.) I've found myself in a situation where I've got an hour and a half to sit in the building and dink around. Since I don't have any homework yet, I instead pulled out my laptop and started checking things out while I eat my lunch my sweetie made for me, YUM.
Anyway, as I've been sitting here, I've decided how incredible this blogging atmosphere is. This would have been so helpful on the mission. Even though its been years and years since I've spent some quality time with certain cousins of mine, I feel like I'm getting to know their families better and better every day. I think its cute that both Leland and Tara are into Princess stuff. And not only that, but its also a great way for me to update all of you on how we are doing. I just think its really cool, and I'm feeling very grateful right now.

1 comment:

Julia Davis said...

True dat! I am glad you are doing well! I miss you guys already!