Friday, October 24, 2008

Eagle eye

Last night we went to a $3 showing of Eagle Eye. It was the first movie we've seen in the theaters in a while. We both liked it. Plenty of car crashes and things blowing up to keep it interesting. For those of you considering seeing it, I highly recommend it if you like mysteries. It's a new twist on some older movie concepts (as well as a video game or two). From watching the ad's for it, you should know its a little 1984ish (the book not the year).

The down side, highly unbelievable. There are a couple times throughout the show that you find yourself thinking "OK, even if I did buy everything else up to this point, THAT definitely wouldn't have happened the way it did."

I'll let you judge for yourself. I'd usually post a picture with this review, but I'm not really happy with most of the ones that are out there. So I'll just leave it at that.


Pat R said...

Shia LaBeouf has turned himself into a sure bet for a movie to make millions and millions... even though his name is hard to remember (and spell)

Tiffany said...

Hey Cindy! No, we went to the Wynsong theater in the riverwoods. It was a regular theater not a dollar theater.